"A work of art is the unique result of a unique temperament".   Oscar Wild

Sunday, October 24, 2010


Despite having engaged in all-out pharmaceutical warfare, the nasty little bug currently bothering me, is winning too many of the battles.
Mind and body have turned into mush, making any attempt at useful activity quite futile.

Fortunately Pradnya has rallied amongst the failing troops, and the first copies of the Exhibition Catalogue have been produced, with the rest to be printed and collated on Monday. Go Pradnya!!

Briefly caught the late afternoon light in the garden. Always lifts the spirits:
Image © PeteM2010
Further dispatches when mind and body again join forces.


  1. Hope you feel better and hope to see you tomorrow Pete! In your words...will be good to see you back in business ;) Take care!

  2. may the force be with you.
    get well pete !!!
